A pochi giorni dall’uscita del nuovo album delle scimmiette, poche ore prima della partita del Milan, di domenica pomeriggio, in sindrome premestruale, io ‘sto lunedì lo sto già vivendo.
A nulla sono serviti i resti del pacco terrone di mamma Anghela, il binge watching di Friends (mio Dio, smetterò mai di guardarlo e innamorarmi di Chandler? No) – che per la cronaca riprenderò dopo aver finito l’articolo – e la sveglia alle nove del mattino carica a bombetta per fare chissà cosa.
Siccome Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino ce l’ho in loop su Spotify da quando è sbucato fuori, e la domenica col preciclo-prepartita-prelunedì è l’anticristo, vi ho preparato un #GiveMe5 (anche se ne ho messe più di five) con tutte le volte che Mr Turner mi ha fatto venire il magone – e qualche volta consumato i dotti lacrimali.
Mardy Bum | Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2006)
So laugh and joke around
Remember cuddles in the kitchen, yeah
To get things off the ground
And it was; up, up, and away
Oh, but it’s right hard to remember that
On a day like today
When you’re all argumentative
And you’ve got the face on
Do Me A Favour | Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007)
Do me a favour and ask if you need some help
She said, “Do me a favour and stop flattering yourself”
And to tear apart the ties that bind
Perhaps “Fuck off” might be too kind
Perhaps “Fuck off” might be too kind
Crying Lightning | Humbug (2009)
Said, “You’re mistaken if you’re thinking that I haven’t been called ‘cold’ before”
Love Is A Laserquest | Suck It And See (2011)
Now I can’t think of there without thinking of you
I doubt that comes as a surprise
And I can’t think of anything to dream about
I can’t find anywhere to hide
And when I’m hanging on by the rings around my eyes
And I convince myself I need another
And for a minute, it gets easy
To pretend that you were just some lover
She’s Thunderstorms | Suck It And See (2001)
I’ve been feeling foolish, you should try it
She came and substituted the peace and quiet for
Acrobatic blood flow concertina
Cheating heart beat, rapid fire
Arabella | AM (2013)
My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
That little lady sitting on the passenger side
It’s much less picturesque without her catching the light
The horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes
Star Treatment | Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
I just wanted to be one of those ghosts
You thought that you could forget
And then I haunt you via the rear view mirror
On a long drive from the back seat
But it’s alright, ‘cause you love me
And you recognise that it ain’t how it should be
Your eyes are heavy and the weather’s getting ugly
So pull over, I know the place
Don’t you know an apparition is a cheap date?
What exactly is it you’ve been drinking these days?
I just wanted to be one of the Strokes, now look at the mess you made me make.